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Regulations in numerical order

Here you will find the regulations and general advice published by the National Electrical Safety Board, in numerical order.

Regulations translated into English

Regulations in numerical order
Number Name Area
ELSÄK-FS 2022:3

Regulations and general advice of the National Electrical Safety Board regarding checks of electrical installations and electrical equipment by the holder.

Electrical installations

ELSÄK-FS 2022:2

Regulations and general advice of the National Electrical Safety Board regarding the signage of electrical installations.

Electrical installations

ELSÄK-FS 2022:1

Regulations and general advice of the National Electrical Safety Board regarding the installation of electrical installations.

Electrical installations

ELSÄK-FS 2017:4

The National Electrical Safety Board's regulations on authorisation as an electrician


ELSÄK-FS 2017:3

The National Electrical Safety Board's regulations on electrical installation companies and on the execution of electrical installation work 

Electrical installation work

ELSÄK-FS 2017:2

The National Electrical Safety Board's regulations and general advice on electrical installation work

Electrical installation work

ELSÄK-FS 2016:3

The National Electrical Safety Board’s regulations on electromagnetic compatibility


ELSÄK-FS 2016:1

The National Electrical Safety Board’s regulations on electrical equipment


All the National Electrical Safety Board’s regulations (in Swedish)

Last reviewed: 2022-12-01