All products sold must be safe and must meet the applicable requirements. As the distributor of electrical products, you are responsible for ensuring that the products you sell are safe and that they comply with the product regulations.
You are a distributor if you or your company offers or supplies products on the market for distribution, sale, consumption or use in the context of a commercial activity. It does not matter if you receive payment or not. Always check that you are not subject to the requirements applicable to the manufacturer or importer, as you would then have to meet certain specific requirements.
Requirements you must meet before making products available
Basically, anyone who makes products available must keep track of the products in question and what requirements they are covered by. As the distributor, it is your responsibility to ensure that the products meet the relevant requirements. You must not make products available if there is any reason to believe that they are deficient or dangerous.
As the distributor, you must verify specifically that the product is CE marked and that there is an identification marking on the product. You must also verify that the product is marked with the name and address of the manufacturer. If the product is manufactured outside the EU, the name and address of the importer must also be shown on the product. As the distributor, you must also check that the user manual and safety information for the product are available in Swedish.
Some electrical products are not subject to EU declaration and CE marking requirements, but they must still be safe and meet the applicable safety requirements.
You must take a preventive and collaborative approach
As the distributor, you play a crucial role in preventing injury, loss or damage. You are often the one with direct contact with the end customer, so you will receive any complaints and claims. If this happens, you must pass on the complaints to the importer or the manufacturer.
You might also find deficiencies or potential deficiencies when you inspect the products. In that case you must take action to address the deficiencies, such as withdrawing the product from sale, recalling it from end users, and contacting the importer or manufacturer to ensure that the deficiencies are addressed at all stages.
Requirements you must meet in injury, loss and damage prevention
You must ensure that all the products you have bought and sold to other economic operators can be traced, and you must have procedures in place to investigate potential deficiencies uncovered for example by complaints and claims. You must organise recalls or take other relevant action as necessary. As the distributor, you must cooperate with others and notify the market surveillance authorities of deficiencies you identify.