Which companies are electrical installation companies?
The rules for electrical installation companies cover all companies and other organisations carrying out electrical installation work for business purposes.
Any person or entity carrying out electrical installation work for business purposes is classed as an electrical installation company and must meet the self-audit and registration requirements and appoint at least one compliance officer. This applies even if you are working on your own installation. However, if you only carry out electrical installation work on your own equipment you are not required to register with the National Electrical Safety Board.
All kinds of companies and organisations
As a result, companies involved in lift installation, industry, railways, property management, electricity grid operators and HVAC contractors could be classed as electrical installation companies. An electrical installation company can be run as a limited company, a trading partnership, a sole trader, an economic association, etc. Public bodies, local authorities and county councils, too, can be electrical installation companies.
It does not matter which country the company comes from. All electrical installation companies carrying out electrical installation work in Sweden are covered by the rules.
Regardless of your company's main line of business, it is an electrical installation company if electrical installation work is ever carried out.
Definition of electrical installation work
Electrical installation work is defined in § 4 of the Electrical Safety Act. Work is considered to be electrical installation work if you:
- implement an electrical installation.
- modify an electrical installation.
- repair an electrical installation.
- permanently connect electrical equipment to an electrical installation.
- disconnect electrical equipment from an electrical installation to which the equipment is permanently attached.
What does an electrical installation company do?
Electrical installation companies can handle all electrical installation work or just focus on certain kinds of work, or they can do pieces of electrical installation work as part of a wider project. So it does not matter what your main line of business is – if you ever carry out electrical installation work, your company is classed as an electrical installation company. Companies in a wide range of sectors and lines of business can therefore carry out electrical installations.
More information in our manual
For more information, see our manual "Electrical installations under the Electrical Saftey Act", section 2 (link below).